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The GulTalks API consists of a series of endpoints that can be accessed by using HTTP GET and POST methods. The responses are formatted using JSON in all cases.

The root of the application is use instead in development enviroment.

List of conferences

Endpoint: GET /api/conferences

This endpoint returns a list of conferences, which include relevant public information.

Example: GET

  "active": false,
  "call_for_papers_end_date": "2016-02-24",
  "call_for_papers_start_date": "2016-03-13",
  "coordinator": "Adrián Borja Pimentel",
  "description": "XXVIII Jornadas Técnicas...",
  "end_date": "2016-04-15",
  "id": 5,
  "location": "Leganés",
  "slug": "xxviii-jornadas-tecnicas-del-gul",
  "start_date": "2016-04-11",
  "title": "XXVIII Jornadas Técnicas del GUL",
  "voting_end_date": "2016-04-18",
  "voting_start_date": "2016-04-14"

List of events from a conference

Endpoint: GET /api/conferences/:id/events

This endpoint returns a list of all the events that belong to the specified conference. The :id parameter may be the numeric ID or the slug from a conference.

Speaker details may be accessed through the speaker_list attribute, which is a list of speakers for an event.

Example: GET or

      "accepted": true,
      "cancelled": false,
      "code_url": "",
      "content_url": "",
      "description": "GIMP es un potente software de tratamiento...",
      "end_dtime": null,
      "id": 129,
      "language": "es",
      "level": "easy",
      "location": "Leganés",
      "room": "",
      "slug": "gimp-quickies",
      "speaker_list": [
            "name": "Clara Luis Mingueza",
            "twitter": "_Claralu"
      "start_dtime": null,
      "subclass": "workshop",
      "summary": "Aprende lo básico en Gimp",
      "title": "Gimp Quickies!",
      "votes": 12
      "accepted": true,
      "cancelled": false,
      "code_url": "",
      "content_url": "",
      "description": "En esta charla veremos una introducción...",
      "end_dtime": null,
      "id": 136,
      "language": "es",
      "level": "easy",
      "location": "Leganés",
      "room": "",
      "slug": "ya-esta-bien-de-perder-los-cambios-de-tus-practicas-git-al-rescate",
      "speaker_list": [
            "name": "Axel Blanco",
            "twitter": "drimmark"
      "start_dtime": null,
      "subclass": "talk",
      "summary": "Una introducción al control de versiones con Git y al paradigma de Git-flow",
      "title": "Ya está bien de perder los cambios de tus prácticas: Git al rescate",
      "votes": 11


Open the Call for Talks of a conference

Endpoint: POST /api/conferences/:id/open_call

This endpoint enables the Call for Talks of the specified conference. The :id parameter may be the numeric ID or the slug from a conference.

This endpoint requires authentication by means of a token sent in the HTTP header ( token ). This token can be generated through the admin panel.

Example: POST or

Close the Call for Talks of a conference

Endpoint: POST /api/conferences/:id/close_call

This endpoint disables the Call for Talks of the specified conference. The :id parameter may be the numeric ID or the slug from a conference.

This endpoint requires authentication by means of a token sent in the HTTP header ( token ). This token can be generated through the admin panel.

Example: POST or

Enable votes in a conference

Endpoint: POST /api/conferences/:id/enable_voting

This endpoint enables the voting of the specified conference. The :id parameter may be the numeric ID or the slug from a conference.

This endpoint requires authentication by means of a token sent in the HTTP header ( token ). This token can be generated through the admin panel.

Example: POST or

Disable votes in a conference

Endpoint: POST /api/conferences/:id/disable_voting

This endpoint disables the voting of the specified conference. The :id parameter may be the numeric ID or the slug from a conference.

This endpoint requires authentication by means of a token sent in the HTTP header ( token ). This token can be generated through the admin panel.

Example: POST or


In case of error, the API will return the HTTP code and, optionally, a JSON object showing the error messages.

Example: GET

  "errors": "conference not found"

Endpoints that require authentication will return a 401 status code if the authentication failed.