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Functional Programming with Javascript

I am going to introduce and hopefully persuade the audience of the many benefits of leveraging functional concepts in javascript

We often look for new breakthroughs in front-end development that promise to steer us away from some common troubles: poorly organized 'spaghetti code', illegible layers of nested callbacks, incoherent control flows, etc. I could go on, these are just a few of the many characteristics of code that has grown to become an unmaintainable burden that no one wants to touch. We've all seen that code and have even written some of it ourselves.

Some of these new libraries and frameworks can be of great service by providing constructs that help avoid these problems (sometimes at the expense of introducing a whole new family of problems), but I want to focus our time at a more micro-level, exploring the value that can be gained if we change our programming mentality.

Format of the presentation 1. Introduction 2. Why Functional Programming? 3. Where does Functional Programming fit into my existing application architectures? 4. Introducing Functional Programming Concepts 5. Imperative vs Declarative Coding 6. Pure Functions & Immutability 7. Code Reuse & Functional Composition 8. Type Safety with Containers 9. Incrementally incorporating functional programming into existing applications. 10. An approach for learning Functional Programming

  • Not available
  • English
  • Level: Easy
  • Javascript
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